C i a n c i   I n d u s t r i e s Multi-Site Search
Search multiple websites at once using Google Home | Apparel Search
Electronic Parts Search
Search up to 6 separate sites
How to use
This is just a beginning project that I needed to for comparing prices and availability at the various electronics sites. It's not exactly perfect but it does seem to do what it's supposed to. I hope it's helpful to you as well.
Just a few little quirks: Be sure to choose the "OR" button between selected sites. Think like you're writing a sentence. This "or" that "or" this "or" that.
If you want to use the "Gimme All of "Em" checkbox, make sure you deselect any other checkboxes above.
If you need to reset the form, just reload your web browser (Shift+Refresh)(Ctrl+F5).